Greetings Harvest Church Family!
Join us on Tuesday, March 4th at 7PM for a Flag Ministry Interest Meeting! Flags are worship tools used as an instrument, liturgy, or prophetic art and dance. Waving the flag itself is a visual expression of worship. When done in a corporate worship setting, it should be with the purpose of ushering others into the Presence of God.
To attend this interest meeting or join this ministry, there is no skill level requirement and volunteers are asked to be ages 12 and above. Flag Ministry practice times will vary and will be discussed further in the interest meeting.
Lord, because I am your loving servant, you have broken open my life and freed me from my chains. Now I’ll worship you passionately and bring to you my sacrifice of praise, drenched with thanksgiving! (Psalm 116:16-17, TPT)
This meeting will be held via Zoom; sign up below to attend!