Spring Semester Classes begin Jan/Feb 2021
The Apostolic School of Faith (ASoF) is a series of hybrid, online classes focused on the discipline of ministerial studies that is aimed to help individual Christians discover their fivefold ministry gifting.
Class Start Date: August 16th 2020
Class End Date: December 5th 2020
Graduation Weekend/Ceremony: January 9th & 10th 2021
Our faculty, led by our founders, Apostle Chris and Pastor Christina Spells will equip our students with sound doctrine, to ensure they will be able to spread the Gospel to the nations and be on their way to fulfilling their apostolic calling. Our desire is to impact our communities, to the degree that people not only hear but also see the Gospel animated in our very lives—and to become what Jesus said we would be: witnesses for Him.
Students enrolled in ASoF are not considered to be working toward a degree; this is not an accreditation but a certification. There are no formal admission requirements prior to beginning the path toward certification. Modules are built and prepared with guided discussions, lectures and/or assignments that will be given to students once a week.